The Radio Academy Festival 2024 Catch Up!

Catch-up on our annual Festival here, with our highlights film from the 2024 Radio Academy Festival. Members can now login to our resources hub to watch back on exclusive members-only content from the day. Anyone can enjoy our highlights reel and photo gallery below.

Welcome address by Aradhna Tayal Leach, Radio Academy MD
Welcome address by Aradhna Tayal Leach, Radio Academy MD
Opening the Festival Helen Thomas, Radio Academy Chair.
Opening the Festival Helen Thomas, Radio Academy Chair.
Our Festival hosts Nadia Jae, Neev Spencer, Emma-Louise Amanshia and Conor Knight
Our Festival hosts Nadia Jae, Neev Spencer, Emma-Louise Amanshia and Conor Knight
Host Nadia Jae
Host Nadia Jae
Host Conor Knight
Host Conor Knight
The Great British Post Office Trial panel: Sima Kotecha; Nick Wallis; Iiona Toller & David Prest
The Great British Post Office Trial panel: Sima Kotecha; Nick Wallis; Iiona Toller & David Prest
Nick Wallis in conversation on the Festival Stage
Nick Wallis in conversation on the Festival Stage
The Great British Postal Trial: Iiona Toller
The Great British Postal Trial: Iiona Toller
AI: Impact Amplified session with Cliff Fluet
AI: Impact Amplified session with Cliff Fluet
ARIAS Stage-Best Sport Coverage: Adrian Durham talks to Nick Bright
ARIAS Stage-Best Sport Coverage: Adrian Durham talks to Nick Bright
Newly announced Fellow: Adele Cross
Newly announced Fellow: Adele Cross
Celebrating the Fellowship announcement with Adele Cross (centre): Aradhna Tayal Leach; Ray Paul and Nadia Jae
Celebrating the Fellowship announcement with Adele Cross (centre): Aradhna Tayal Leach; Ray Paul and Nadia Jae
Rima Ahmed in Conversation with Matt Chorley
Rima Ahmed in Conversation with Matt Chorley
Festival Stage. Rima Ahmed in conversation with Matt-Chorley
Festival Stage. Rima Ahmed in conversation with Matt-Chorley
Matt Chorley in conversation
Matt Chorley in conversation
Rise of the Podfluencer panal: Nick Callaghan, Summer Baxter, Lauren Layfield and Nik Ghandi
Rise of the Podfluencer panal: Nick Callaghan, Summer Baxter, Lauren Layfield and Nik Ghandi
Rise of the Podfluencer: Nik Ghandi talks to Lauren Layfield
Rise of the Podfluencer: Nik Ghandi talks to Lauren Layfield
Rise of the Podfluencer: Summer Baxter
Rise of the Podfluencer: Summer Baxter
Audience at the Impact Stage
Audience at the Impact Stage
Impact Stage: How to buy a podcast panel
Impact Stage: How to buy a podcast panel
Impact Stage: How to buy a podcast with Leanne Alie
Impact Stage: How to buy a podcast with Leanne Alie
Impact Stage hosts: Conor Knight and Emma-Louise Amanshia
Impact Stage hosts: Conor Knight and Emma-Louise Amanshia
ARIAS Stage: Rob Burrow Best New Podcast. Lindsey Burrow, Tanya Arnold and Tracy Gee
ARIAS Stage: Rob Burrow Best New Podcast. Lindsey Burrow, Tanya Arnold and Tracy Gee
Lindsey Burrow
Lindsey Burrow
Impact Stage: Generation Election with Jordan Kenny, Kirsty Grant and Jonelle Awomoyi
Impact Stage: Generation Election with Jordan Kenny, Kirsty Grant and Jonelle Awomoyi
Our host Emma-Louise Amanshia enjoys Generation Election session
Our host Emma-Louise Amanshia enjoys Generation Election session
Measuring Impact with Adam Bowie
Measuring Impact with Adam Bowie
The Future Will Be Visualised panel
The Future Will Be Visualised panel
Rylan Clark on the Future Will Be Visualised
Rylan Clark on the Future Will Be Visualised
Ellie Buckland speaking on the Future Will Be Visualised panel
Ellie Buckland speaking on the Future Will Be Visualised panel
Aasmah Mir, Best News Coverage
Aasmah Mir, Best News Coverage
Talking about their Best Music Breakfast Show with Nikita Kanda and Andy Bouglas
Talking about their Best Music Breakfast Show with Nikita Kanda and Andy Bouglas
Packed Impact Stage for 'How do you break into the industry nowadays?'
Packed Impact Stage for 'How do you break into the industry nowadays?'
How do you break into the industry nowadays? With
ARIAS Stage - Best Drama Sherlock & Co with Joel Emery and Caroline Steel
ARIAS Stage - Best Drama Sherlock & Co with Joel Emery and Caroline Steel
LOL- why laughter is so important in audio with Ella Woods and Tom Price
LOL- why laughter is so important in audio with Ella Woods and Tom Price
Give the Audience What They Want: Rob Khan, Ahmed Hussain, Yvonne Milne and Pete Snodden
Give the Audience What They Want: Rob Khan, Ahmed Hussain, Yvonne Milne and Pete Snodden
Rob Khan, Ahmed Hussain, Yvonne Milne and Pete Snodden
Rob Khan, Ahmed Hussain, Yvonne Milne and Pete Snodden
Liam Fisher being presented with his Fellowship
Liam Fisher being presented with his Fellowship
New fellow Liam Fisher with News UK's Scott Taunton
New fellow Liam Fisher with News UK's Scott Taunton
Best Specialist Music Show: Lady Unchained talks to Dan Noble
Best Specialist Music Show: Lady Unchained talks to Dan Noble
Sylvie Carlos in conversation
Sylvie Carlos in conversation
When did history become so cool? Panel with Mina Moriarty, Han Parker, Greg Jenner and Rebecca Messina
When did history become so cool? Panel with Mina Moriarty, Han Parker, Greg Jenner and Rebecca Messina
A Summer of Olympic sized impact with Michael Weadlock, Bela Shah, Adam Gemili and Natalie Sawyer
A Summer of Olympic sized impact with Michael Weadlock, Bela Shah, Adam Gemili and Natalie Sawyer
Pride: On Air with Suzi Ruffell and Crossy
Pride: On Air with Suzi Ruffell and Crossy
The Impact of Evolution panel
The Impact of Evolution panel
Trevor Nelson in conversation about his Best Coverage of an Event win at the ARIAS
Trevor Nelson in conversation about his Best Coverage of an Event win at the ARIAS
Festival stage: Sound Bath
Sound Bath on the Festival stage
Scott Mills: Best Entertainment Show
Scott Mills: Best Entertainment Show
New Fellow: Phil Maguire
New Fellow: Phil Maguire
The Radio Academy Festival 2024
The Radio Academy Festival 2024
Building a Winning Podcast Partnership with Jack Davenport, Steph McGovern and Nicole Logan
Building a Winning Podcast Partnership with Jack Davenport, Steph McGovern and Nicole Logan
The Radio Academy Festival team
The Radio Academy Festival team
Delegates mingling
Delegates mingling

We hope you enjoyed The Radio Academy 2024! Thanks to everyone who joined us for such a wonderful day, speakers, hosts, delegates and of course our sponsors. We couldn't have done it without you.