The Audio & Radio Emergency Fund
The Audio and Radio Emergency Fund was created in Spring 2020, to help those in the radio and audio sector who were facing hardship because of the developing coronavirus crisis.
It was kick-started with a contribution from The Radio Academy’s benevolent fund and boosted by contributions from the BBC, Audible, The Whickers, Folder Media, ReelWorld and Radio Today. Their support was supplemented by £20,000 of generous individual donations through the Show You’re Listening initiative.
The scheme gave grants of up to £1,000 to individuals who needed extra support at the start of the pandemic, such as those in hardship who are receiving no government assistance.
Over £77,000 was awarded in 165 grants of up to £1,000 to those experiencing hardship or needing help to continue working from home.
The fund is now closed to new applications. Any remaining balance is frozen in the Radio Academy Benevolent Fund for future use to support colleagues experiencing hardship.