The Radio Academy in 2024: AGM highlights


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Our AGM for 2024 took place on Thursday 23rd January 2025, at the Amazon Music & Wondery headquarters in London.

If you weren't able to join us, here are some of the key highlights to note...

In 2024 we established the Pillars of The Radio Academy:


  • The Radio Academy ARIAS attracted widespread national and international acclaim, with 906 entries across 28 categories and over 800 attendees at ceremony. Through our continued partnership with the Radio Times, over 20,000 listeners voted for the Moment of the Year Award, and we reached millions of people through the ARIAS press coverage.
  • Young Audio Awards were paused in 2024 to bring the initiative in line with our new strategy. We are looking to relaunch, with a focus on inspiring and nurturing young people to engage with audio as both creators and listeners.


  • The Radio Academy Festival theme this year was Impact Amplified. We welcomed 97 speakers across 31 sessions on 3 stages, and 441 attendees.
  • We held Socials across the UK with over 300 people attending events in Birmingham, London, Exeter, Cardiff, Belfast, Leeds, Bristol, Manchester and Glasgow. Huge thanks to our Branch leads for their continued support. Please get in touch if you'd like to get involved with hosting a Radio Academy event near you.
  • The Radio Academy Podcast is flourishing under Georgy’s expert hosting. Follow us now for weekly 20min episodes every Wednesday, where we dig behind the mic to share the latest audio creator trends and shows.


  • The Radio Academy Mentoring Programme, RAMP, continues to thrive with 25 mentees in 2024, and we also joined forces with BBC Sounds Audio Lab to offer follow-on support to their creators. In May for the first time, we also brought together mentees from our past 3 cohorts, for a development session at The Podcast Show. And for the first time in 2024, mentees were offered leadership seminars, as well as mentoring and peer support through Action Learning Sets.
  • At the end of 2023 we introduced Foot In The Door and committed to trialling three events around the country. These were in Leeds back in 2023 followed by over 200 delegates joining us in Glasgow and Salford in 2024, plus around 40 guest speakers at each event.
  • We offered more partner opportunities than ever before in 2024, including bursaries at our own and partner events, and discounts to attend industry events - including The Podcast Show, Radiodays Europe, the International Women’s Podcast Festival, Radio TechCon and Crossed Wires. In total, we offered over 90 fully funded tickets to attend events throughout the year, many with travel bursaries also included.


  • We announced the 2024 ReelWorld Radio Academy 30 Under 30. Jimmy Buckland joined as Chair of Judges - an original 30u30 recipient! Other 30u30 alumni include presenter Yasmin Evans, Head of BBC Radio 3 Sam Jackson and Goalhanger Development Exec Nicole Logan - those who make the list truly are the rising stars of audio. You can meet our current 30 Under 30 here.
  • Fellowships are awarded to recognise individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the industry and/or The Radio Academy. They are leaders in audio and ambassadors of the charity and wider industry. At 2024’s Festival, Fellowships were awarded to Adele Cross, Phil Maguire OBE, Kellie While and Liam Fisher. See the full list of Fellows on the website.
  • Promotion of audio and our world-leading UK audio industry... Through our events, press activity and partnerships, we aim to fly the flag for the strength and diversity of UK audio content, showcase the incredible impact we have, and inspire more people to develop a career in audio, or engage with audio content. We presented sessions at The Podcast Show and the inaugural Crossed Wires in Sheffield this year to show the broader audio world and our audiences what we do and how The Radio Academy can help.

Building on what we achieved in 2024, our priorities for 2025 include,

  • Advance equity in audio – we will build on our inclusion and accessibility work, offering more bursaries at our and partner events, we’d like to build closer relationships with regional branches for more events and panels.  We will now integrate Foot In The Door as a staple part of the calendar with funding to hold 3 regional events a year.
  • Develop our partnerships – work closely with other industry organisations in the UK and beyond, partnering on events and activity to address gaps in development opportunities, showcasing a united and strong UK audio presence, and increasing support for people in audio and radio.
  • Embed sustainability and resilience – increase revenue for the Charity's financial stability, including sponsorship and donations. Embed our annual activity within the consolidated structure and strategy, fully supported by a core Radio Academy team, trustees, suppliers and volunteers. Grow our membership base across existing or new patrons and individuals.
  • Open communication – continue to develop transparent and open communication across all our channels and building engagement through presence on existing and new platforms, including reaching new audiences as well as ensuring two-way dialogue with members.
  • Promote UK audio - showcase the breadth, diversity and impact of UK audio and radio, through refreshed awards and increased visibility of audio and brands; enhance discussions of UK audio successes at our events and with global partners; and advance opportunities for members looking to collaborate on and promote audio projects.

We announced the first price rise for Radio Academy membership in over a decade, with prices increasing to £48 per year, effective 1st February 2025. That's just £4 per month and you can also gift or donate a membership. Remember that if you are a member of one of our Patron organisations, you may be eligible to sign up for free membership, already paid for by your company. If you're interested in becoming a Patron of The Radio Academy, get in touch to find out how you can benefit your workforce and support your audio industry.

February 2025 sees the end of term for trustees Phil McGuire OBE and Kiran Nandra, with elections taking place at the beginning of February for their replacements.

The Radio Academy team has seen significant change in personnel in 2024, with the departures of Katie Hill, Alexandra Forrest, Maeve Hawkins and Vicky Wright, and the additions of Adam Stoner (Content Producer) and Nikki Cannon (Membership and Events Coordinator), alongside the existing team members, Georgy Jamieson (Podcast Producer), Chris North (Executive Producer) and Aradhna Tayal Leach (Managing Director).


Key dates for your diary

Wednesday 19th March - Foot in the Door - Queens University Belfast

Wednesday 14th May - ARIAS - ODEON Luxe, Leicester Square, London

Wednesday 17th September - Radio Academy Festival - Royal College of Physicians, London

Further Foot In The Door and regional Social events will be announced over the coming weeks and months, so stay tuned for more opportunities to meet audio colleagues and get involved with The Radio Academy, your charity to promote excellence in UK audio.


Thank you

Firstly, a massive thank you to everyone who partnered with us in 2024. The support of our partners and sponsors mean we can continue to present events and initiatives to support everyone working across audio. If you are interested in supporting one of our events or being a Radio Academy Partner, we'd love to hear from you and discuss how we can work together.

Thanks also to our Patron organisations, whose patron fees help to support the charity as well as offer incredible benefit to their staff, freelancers and volunteers by prepaying full membership for all their team. Invest in your team's development this year by finding out out more about becoming a Patron.

And finally, thank you to all our members and all the volunteers who have worked with us over the past year. We are the charity to support everyone in UK audio, and we could not do this without your support and input.



Please consider making a small donation, all donations go towards The Radio Academy's year-round programme of events and help us fund our bursary schemes.  Please remember to check the Gift Aid box if you are a UK tax payer.


Have a suggestion or question, or want to help with an event? Get in touch by emailing